Welcome to our members page, here you will find a ongoing list of all our current members, take a few minutes to get to know your favourite chorister.

Position: Top Tenor (Chairman for 11 years in 2024)
What year did you start in the choir: 2010
Why did you join the choir: I’ve always enjoyed singing but I’ve never had the courage to join a choir until my wife encouraged me to help in a fundraising event, From this I met some really fantastic gentleman that made me comfortable and before I new it I joined these crazy bunch. I worked away a lot and was worried I wouldn’t have time to spare but 13 years later I’m still here.
My interests and hobbies: I really enjoy reading and writing books I’ve recently just finished a book I’ve wrote with my granddaughter (Ava Grace) it’s called The Magic Box. I love long walks with my wife and children and my most favourite thing is spending as much time as I can with them.
Favourite pieces: Song or Hymn:
Rhythm of Life / Deus salutis / Ty Dy Y roddaist / Ar lan y mor / O holy night
Favourite Sweets:
Jakemans, and before you dare ask I don’t share!
Favourite Films:
Action not the soppy stuff.
Favourite events:
There is a memory that will stay with me and that’s when we performed at Portis head. When we sang, a German gentleman who worked as a teacher in Wales for most of his life, now retired for many years and sang with us. He was in a wheelchair. His daughter and wife had brought him as he had dementia. He hadn’t done anything for three months, and when he heard the Welsh Hymns, he just joined in and struggled to stand when we sang the Welsh National anthem.
To give them their dad back for just a few hours was the most emotional thing I have ever seen since my joining. Seeing the joy in his family was the best thing ever. Plus, Johnny Askins spoke German, and he was communicating in Fluent German, which had laid dormant within him. What a moment!
St Martins Church the 12th April 2024.
Not just the event but raising funds for the Mayors Charity Guide Dogs for the blind. but the social afterglow in Caerphilly Golf Club.
What a fantastic team we have.
What does the choir mean to you?
We are not just a choir, we are family. When I lost my parents I always felt a part of me was missing until I joined the choir and gained an extra family. If I’m having a bad day or just need a chat I can turn to the choir, It means I’m never alone, It means I’m giving something back to my community, and it means the world to me to be apart of this family.

Position: Bottom Bass
What year did you start in the choir: 2016
Why did you join the choir: I was dragged into it by a friend
My interests and hobbies: “As I said to Prince Edward” Singing and drinking, also walking my dog and riding my bike
Favourite pieces: Song or Hymn:
Comrades in arms/Anthem/Paradise by the dashboard – Meatloaf
Favourite Sweets:
Fisherman’s friend
Favourite Films:
Lord of the rings
Favourite events:
Opening the coal exchange and The big cheese
What does the choir mean to you?
A great bunch of guys, it helps with my mental health

Position: Bottom Bass
What year did you start in the choir: 2009/2010
Why did you join the choir: I really like to sing
My interests and hobbies: Gardening
Favourite pieces: Song or Hymn:
Favourite Sweets:
Murray mints
Favourite Films:
Favourite events:
1000 voices at The Royal Albert Hall
What does the choir mean to you?

Position: Bottom Bass
What year did you start in the choir: 2016
Why did you join the choir: My brother John asked me to join, he was already a member of the choir. Also, after I retired it was a great way to meet new friends.
My interests and hobbies: Gardening
Favourite pieces: Song or Hymn:
Anything classical
Favourite Sweets:
Clove drops
Favourite Films:
Favourite events:
The Kings Coronation Concert and Singing with our MD Nerys Wyn on the tv show The Piano.
What does the choir mean to you?
Comradeship and sociality